An AI security and safety competition?

Whenever I find a bit of free time, I like to dive into some Kaggle competitions, and the last one I picked was a little different; the AI Village Capture The Flag 2023 is about tackling 27 machine challenges, hunting for elusive "flags" while gaining hands-on experience in AI security and safety.

From computer vision to LLMs, from adversarial attacks to code injections, from biased models to messages to decipher, there was a lot to learn to get those flags.
Practically speaking, for each task you needed to provide an input_data variable to a query function connected to the competition APIs, and get an output similar to this one:

I managed to land at 155 out of 1344 teams. So close to a bronze, yet so far (about 20 positions to be precise)..and hey! no medal for me this time. Still, the journey was a riot, and I had so much fun that I thought, why not share my 19 (out of 27) solutions? In case you want to take a look, you can find them at this page on the competition's discussion forum.

Also, if you're curious about each task or fancy giving it a shot yourself before the next edition rolls around, you can still grab the starter notebook from this year and take a peek at the competition's description.

Happy coding!

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